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About Us

About Us

Our Mission

To develop an all-round learner with a strong CHARACTER, a positive ATTITUDE for EXCELLENCE. This we do by combining sound intellectual, spiritual, social and moral physical growth grounded in a firm Christian Foundation.


Who We Are

St. Petroc Premier School is a Christian boarding school offering the 8-4-4 Curriculum. We have strong commitment to academic excellence and a high level of discipline. Children are accepted from those joining play group all through to class 8.

St. Petroc Premier School is not just an academic school; there is a strong emphasis on the moral and spiritual development of thechild. Everydaybeginswithadevotiontimeeitherwithin a tutor group or in a collective school assembly. Every pupil follows a course in Christian Religious Education and is encouraged to follow the principles that God has laid down for us.


To be a leading centre of Excellence in Kenya and the East African Community.

Our Teachers

David Bernard Manager David Bernard
Jessica Brunne Music Director Jessica Brunne
Music Director
Jennifer Dunn Counselor Jennifer Dunn
George Ibran Administration Staff George Ibran
Administration Staff
John Smith
Counselor John Smith
Samantha Bryn Administration Staff Samantha Bryn
Administration Staff
Alicia Stone Art Director Alicia Stone
Art Director
Leznek Podolsky IT Staff Leznek Podolsky
IT Staff

“To teach and coach our children can be harder than taking care of them daily